Mailbox of peace

Photo Story Section 3. Love & Fr iendship Mai lbox of Peace 090 091 Korea Foundation & US Peace Corps KF COVID-19 Survival Box Gratitude Letter Col lection Martha King, K-28 I was so thankful and touched to receive your very generous COVID - 19 Sur- vival Kit !! “ How much THANK YOU , I don ’ t know !!” When I received notice from the post office , I rode my bike to retrieve it , ex- pecting a small parcel . I was AMAZED at the size of the box and couldn ’ t fit it on my bike ! Once I got it home in my car , I was overwhelmed by your gener- osity , which made me cry with both gratitude and awe . 감사합니다! I also benefitted from your amazing generosity in October 2011 , when I par- ticipated in the revisit program , which was magical ! It was especially import- ant to me to see my wonderful Korean co - worker ( Chung Oon Song ) for the last time before he died three months later . He was a very dear friend over the years . I had traveled to Korea to visit him and his family four other times since 1975 . We also wrote many letters back and forth . I was privileged to serve in the Cholla Namdo Seung Ju Gun Pogunso , 1973 - 75 . It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life . I can ’ t thank you enough for helping us keep the relationship between our groups and be- tween Korea and the U . S . going in such special ways . South Korea has become one of the world ’ s most respected leaders ! We Americans now learn from your examples and successes . South Korea and the friendships I still maintain there will always remain in my heart ! Thank you again , Martha King “ South Korea and the friendships I still maintain there will always remain in my heart!” Martha King p.s. Please see the attached document with some of my memorable photos Martha King, K-28 serving in Seung Ju Gun Pogunso, 1973-1975 Working together in the Pogunso! Life at the Ha Suk Chip! With the wife of the “Gun Su Nim” taking a break from transplanting rice during the national three-day event when all government workers contributed to the good cause. With wonderful T.B. worker and life-long friend, Chung Oon Song, during an annual T.B. x-ray truck event in Cholla Namdo