Mailbox of peace
Section 3. Love & Fr iendship Mai lbox of Peace 082 083 Korea Foundation & US Peace Corps KF COVID-19 Survival Box Gratitude Letter Col lection The sturdy box containing pandemic supplies and exquisite Korean treats came as a total surprise last week. It was so unexpected and so wonderful a reminder of Korea. This powerful gesture of generosity speaks volumes about the Korean char- acter and the sincerity people on the Korean peninsula so often show to those who befriend them. From the depth of my heart, let me say, ‘ 감사합니다 .’ My Peace Corps service in Masan and later in Seoul took place in public health clinics. I witnessed first-hand the dedication and innovations of Ko- rea’s health leaders. Based on my observation from 1974-1977, it’s not surprising to me that the ROK has shown the world how best to face the pandemic. Your excellent pub- lic health efforts are commendable. Once again, my wife and I were amazed at your generosity in remembering us during these challenging times. 감사합니다 . And my sincere best wishes for your leadership and stronger Korea-USA re- lations under the incoming President. “So wonderful a reminder of Korea” Christopher McDermott , K - 31 Christopher McDermott The many thoughtful gifts in the survival box sent by the Korea Foundation were much appreciated . The video about Peace Corps was particularly moving . I so enjoyed and treasure my experiences in Korea fifty years ago . I ' ve given many presentations to classes and organizations about Korea , my love for your country , and the amazing transformation that Korea has made in this modern world . Thank You ! “I so enjoyed and treasure my experiences in Korea fifty years ago” Duane Wilke , K - 19 Duane Wilke
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